Bike captions...

Got a thought of decorating my bike with some nice and funny captions and logos...
Bike is Pulsar, yes as caption says "It is definitely male" ..I like it.
Pulsar has good advantageous places to decorate with some nice captions on stickers. like on the head light, both sides adjusant to fuel tank. and at the back.
Started thinking of punch lines best suites to me and my bike,
But ended in a dilemma  with many in mind.

so need your help here to finalize few .
For head light part I designed a logo which looks like the one shown here... suggest changes if u have ..
And I have got many cranky lines below ... pick ur choice .. and put it in ur comment.
1. I’m Punk and it is fleet...
2. I’m Punk & I like scudding
3. Fleet bike
4. I’m Punk, no need to ignite...
5. By birth it’s scud
6. By nature it‘s scud
7. I am not a punk but my bike is...
8. I am not a lunk ... it is PUNK
9. Don’t be in funk like a PUNK
10. I see u lost a bet again
11. I see u lost this race too
12. Alpha-Q (in the back of bike) with middle finger showing up as a symbol.
13. I’m PUNK
14. I'm not a bum!
15. Batboy in Bangalore
16. Catch this scud
17. Beware... I’m Punk.
18.Fleet is more than Swift
19.Batbike in Blore

waiting for ur comment :-)

8 comments to "Bike captions..."

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
For lazy logs, u can at least use Name/URL option which doesn’t even require any sign-in, The good thing is that it can accept your lovely nick name also and the URL is not mandatory too.
Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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