
Deepavali Vs Goddess of sleep

Deepavalii is the Hindu Festival of Lights, when Lakshmi - goddess of good fortune, is said to visit the homes of humans. And it is also a major festival for others who follow Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism too. In history it is having many stories - 
"According to Ramayana this is the day Lord Rama returned to ayodya after defeating (the evil demon) Ravana. All the ayodya people welcomed him by lighting lamps to show their happiness and joy." 
"Krishna & satyabhama killed evil called Narakasura in history - to celebrate this happy event also people used to light rows of lamps".
And there are many other stories related to other communities. 

Relics of departed era is totally different from the present – as the present Deepavali celebrations include many lights (electrical lights dominating oil lamps) in every home along with Lakshmi pooja and bursting crackers. This is how present Deepavali is being celebrated every where in India. In history there was a strong reason to celebrate this crazily. But I don’t know how far it is correct to celebrate this festival by bursting many crackers which is creating so much sound and air pollution. We are not following all the past things
  • Global Warming
  • Immense suffering to birds and animals along with humans.
  • Noise pollution
  • Increases Blood Pressure
  • Heart attacks
  • There are many adverse effects due to the chemicals used in these crackers.
I think it's the time to open our eyes to stop using fire crackers. I think we can have Deepavali bash with out fire crackers also with some other substitutes.

Apart from my social consciousness I have some feelings to share with you, which wandered in my mind all through the night. For me this Deppavali is something different from previous. I am alone all the day as my roomy is not having any holiday. After fresh up, I attended Lakshmi pooja in one of my well-wishers place. After pooja, had a typical Andhra meals with one of my friend and then proceeded back to room. Around at 6 PM my roomy returned with my continuous phone calls. I thought of getting crackers at least to have some fun. But for some reason we stopped and we stayed in room watching TV. I captured some photos of fireworks in the sky around my room for some time. Finished dinner and reached my bed. I was just trying to sleep. There is some agitation of mind, not able to sleep. Started thinking about sleep. May be today the Goddess of sleep is not coming to my home???

Why Goddess of sleep? Why can’t it be a God? Don’t know any answer to this. But since from my child hood people around me used to call it Goddess of sleep but not God. In many things we generally and strictly follow our elders as our mind has a strong belief that those are well practices. What ever the reasons be I want to consider it as Goddess of sleep only. 

Why Goddess of sleep is not coming to my home??? I was just thinking about it. Generally she comes daily when the climate is cold in a dark night, when every body are not interested to see any thing, when everybody are in Trans, when ever each mind stops thinking and starts dreaming that is the time she usually come to my street to reach my home. But today is totally different - the street is not at all dark, as every home is decorated with full of lights. Every body is very much interested to see their neighbors and their fireworks. These may be the reasons today Goddess of sleep did’t come to me.

Then my agitations entered a high-way to catch my past. Of course to catch the past it should travel in a back gear. Able to reach few stops at the ages 18, 14 and 10. It was really Nice Deepavali at all those ages. When it was 18; I was in my graduation it was with my new family members called brother-in-law. It was really good time I had, sharing my views in all things with new family members to have better understanding of the world. Getting full encouragement for all the proposals I propose. Then next stop was at 14 it was my end of schooling days – those days total celebration is in school only for the Deepavali that to total 10 days celebrations 5 days before and after festival day. We used to bunk classes to burst crackers. Spending all the money for crackers, some times bursting crackers unexpectedly in class it self. Teacher’s scolding about it and sending out from class. While Bursting crackers also; applying new ideas to improve sound/disturbance and creating full nuisance to dwellers of that area with out having sense . Dwellers complaints against us to our HM. etc. Ohhh!! god schooling it is a treasure of fun with our innocence.Then the next stop is at the age of 10; reminded me the acts we followed by listening to the stories of Deepavali from grand mother and others to prepare scarecrow of “Narakasura” and destroying it to light it at the endof day. When daddy delayed to get crackers to home, Crying for them. 
Those were busy days even though that was holidays time (to prepare crackers). No time even to eat. While playing with crackers, i burnt my hands. Due to wounds on fingers; I was unable to write school notes. Took friend's(ofcourse friend is girl here :)  )help to finish school notes is still fresh in my mind. What not each and every single moment is still in my mind. Really awesome to have such time with loved ones.

Yes there are lot of differences in each festival I celebrated, I think this is life. Life will be always different. After some time I don’t know when the goddess of sleep arrested me … But introspection is saved in mind to put in this post …

I think, this is the strength of dreaming and introspection. Deppavali is known for Goddess of Lakshmi, but I mapped it with Goddess of sleep( an un-known god). I know each of us has surely this kind of sweet feelings in unconscious mind. Sure at least one has been awakened with my post.

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Dream home designer software - Google SketchUp

Looking for a good software to design your dream home or office etc, Here is a wonderful free software from Google. It is called SketchUp. It is basically designed for normal computer users. So you need not be a techie to use this. You can see thousands of video tutorials too in their site to understand easily. It became my dream modeling and designing software now.what is this SketchUp:Google SketchUp is software that you can use to create, share and present 3D models. Whether you want to...
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Old is Bold - New is Italic

Old is Bold New is Italic

Click on image to see large view
Always in confusion to accept new . I saw many people who are reluctant to accept new. People love to stay where they are (It doesn’t mean that we are not progressing). People won't accept new things that easily. They always love to stick to old system. The friction we feel to make new move is always high I think. Instead of this friction many are emerging in our lives un-noticeably.

Old this word looks fatty but attractive and eye catchy too, as if it is rigid and strong. Old (bold) is fear less and daring as it is proved. Bold is clear, distinct and steep. Comes to New- it is slim, sexy and slanted to upward and right. Showing I’m moving ahead. It's indo-Europian style. It looks proud as if it is different. There are these many differences in these two words. We are going to see how these impacts us.

I don't know why all new things are too weak compared to old ...say like our Hyderabad fly overs. History of Charminar may be in the year 1590's but it is still strong compared to all these constructions. I afraid of purchasing new things some times, as I have seen practically many times the quality reduces down the line always. Best case is my pulsar bike, I can't compare 2004 pulsar with 2008 pulsar. Not only incase of goods, it happens in many things -  I visited one newly opened restaurant ( I remember the same day when it is opened I visited. There is no grand opening ceremony.) Around 1 year back in Bangalore as it is newly opened I don't have much expectations. Like a typical Andhrite I ordered Chicken Biryani (Restaurant name is also some thing like Hyderabad Biryani ...). The biryani taste was amazing, it is spicy - it is delicious - it is appetizing - it is flavorful and as a whole it is toothsome. It got good reputation in no time with good mouth publicity. When I observed the present taste I felt like it is not like that its quality has changed but prices has increased.  Let's forget about all these examples - let us consider the life span of our elders and our generation; there is so much difference. In other case my father has his own interest devotional and general tips books from one publisher since my child hood. One day I felt like due to years of usage books became too old. With my parents approval I tried for the same book, but I am totally disappointed when I found the same book from same publisher with lot of changes compared to old. The changes are not even good but worse. I didn't found what I want in that. Its quality totally changed in terms of content and other things. So my simple conclusion is present market products still reduces their quality in future.

But can we stop new things/changes??? Do we need to stop this?? No. My intention is not to stop some thing but to start a valuable and quality thing in every thing what we do. I heard many times "Old is gold" yes it is true. Old music is good, old people are good, Old India is gold ; everything which ever becomes old it will become gold. Do you think ; sadly we are in new?? , No we are here to make the gold for our next generation. Being in italic, thinking of making a BOLD is not that easy so in each thing we do each step we follow - "Old is Bold - new is italic" should be conned. It will give us energy to make good things at least for our next generation. May be slowly but surely our attitudes need change to deliver the best.

P.S: It is our duty to protect all our ancient things. These are inspirations to our soul. These can make change in our lives. We should realize the importance of museums and kinda things to help best to protect our culture.
"Old friends and old wine are best"

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Solaris Commands - Tips - Installtion - All about Solaris

How to see Installed Hardware on Solaris ?Solaris Tips How to  install Solaris Jumbo Patch?Troubleshooting Solaris Device filesTracing system callsHow to maintain SoalrisIP - Aliasing for SolarisHow to monitor Solaris performance ?Enable file system journaling on Solaris 7 and 8Sizing up Solaris Memory with the RMCmem PackageWhy doesn't my .forward file work?Simple Shell Script to backup your FilesInstalling Solaris using JumpStart technology on an Intel laptop[1] [2] [3] [4][5] [6] [7]...
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Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

Courtesy : Microsoft I've come across these tools suggested by one of my friend. And these are really cool.Application Deskman will provide 4 virtual desktops.You can group your work items like open mail clients in a desktop Work application in the other. Browsing in the other and so on. After installing to access it right click on the toolbar and in toolbars select Desktop Manager.Power Caluculator wil provide extra functions like unit conversion, Trigonometric functions, logs etc.. After installing...
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Handy tools for Browser Testing (IE6, IE7, FF)

Those who generally use multiple browsers as part of Cross-Browser testing for web-portals always face issues in finding multiple systems to open different browsers with different versions. Though resources are not a constraint in many companies; user will feel cumbersome with many browsers in many places.Let's Analyse a particular scenario in which a user wants to test his web portal in IE6,IE7, and Firefox.The optimal solution to have all these browsers in this case is 2 . Isn't it ? IE6 and...
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BSNL Dial up Connectiion

This post is merely for the people who feels bad about the BSNL broadband connection. BSNL broadband connection comes with a land line also. So when ever there is a problem in the Broadband connection it is good to go with Dial up connection. As the the BSNL providers response is very slow to our issues Dial up will surely solves our problems in emergency.So now lets see how to create a Dial up connection using BSNL phone line.

The very first thing we need is our computer/lap top should be equipped with a modem.So now remove your telephone line from phone device and connect it to modem on laptop.
Creating a new dail up connection in XP:(1)
Process with images
  • Go to from Start menu- Control Panel
  • Go to Network Connections On the left side, click on Create a new connection A window will appear.
  • Click on the Next > button.
  • Select the option Connect to the Internet and click on the Next > button.
  • Select the option Set up my connection manually and click on the Next > button.
  • Select the option Connect using a dial-up modem and click on the Next > button.
  • Type in BSNL under the ISP Name and click on the Next > button.
  • Type in the phone number that you will be using to connect to BSNL and click on the Next > button.
  • Username: 8025717613(your telephone number without zero in the STDcode+yournumber - 80(080 is bangalore code- 25717613 is landline numeber)
  • Password: 25717613(password would be your phone number)(Password is case-sensitive and should be comprised of alphanumeric characters.)
  • Click on the option Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop if you want to create a shortcut on the desktop.
  •  Click on the Finish button. A new dialer is created in the Network Connections.
  • A connection shortcut icon will appear at the Windows desktop.
  •  You've successfully setup the BSNL Internet connection.
  • Now right click on short cut created on desk top with name BSNL and say connect ...here you go ...It should work.
Note : It is a free service from BSNL , but you have to pay for the local call telephone charges for the duration of your Internet usage.
Problems in Dial up connection:Some times this process will not help to connect to the Internet so there are small things to be taken care while creating the connection, those are as follows.
  • Right click on your short-cut go to Properties. General Tab.
  • There is a drop down menu for selecting our country, Select India(91) .
  • Just below the drop down check the check box with name "use dialing rules"
    Now just beside check beside you find a button with name "Dialing Rules"
  • Click on Dialing RulesClick on new button and create a new location with ur are name and area code : ex : Bangalore 080After creating new location
  • Try editing it using Edit button. In the edit screen verify your country to be as India (which ever you gave already)
  • Make sure that the phone number to be dialed as should be shown as 172222
  • Select Radio button "Pulse"
  • Click ok in all the windows and now try connecting hope it should work this time.
Soem useful contact numbers for BSNL :
Customer care : 1800 
BSNL Koramangala (NGV branch) office numbers :
Telephone exchange :080-25701000
Broad band complaint : 25711855
Telephone complaints : 25712198
BSNL Web site : HERE

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IE7 - runonce.msn.com/runonce3.aspx

It is common that most of us as has seen IE7 loading "http://runonce.msn.com/runonce3.aspx" URL even after specifying about:blank in internet option for IE7.There is small work around for this to get rid of from IE7 first startup.Go to Start -> RUN -> regedit ->In Registry editor window try to point this locationHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MainThere Righ click on Main and click on New DWORD to create a new word.New DWORD name : "RunOnceComplete" set...
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JRE - Browsers ( IE, Firefox)

How to find which JRE is being used by different browsersInternet Explorer : (IE6)Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Java(sun)Version of java being used by IE browser we can see here.Firefox :(3.0)Go to Tools -> Add-ons -> Plugins Java Plug-in 1.5.0_12 etc.And there is another general way from which all the browsers and its JRE's being controlled.Start -> Settings -> Control panel -> Java ->Advanced(tab) ->Settings(tree)<applet> tag...
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Trip to Kolar, Kotilingeshwara, Bangaru Tirupati, Aavani, Kurudumale

Last week Due to Dasara Festival we got a holiday on Thursday, So we thought of going for a bike ride to any near by place from Bangalore, then we got Kolar and its gold fields came in mind, immediately I sent an e-mail invitation to my friends who are free with out going to home town for this festival.
(Bike 1 : Krishna,Surendra  Bike 2 : Nataraj  Bike 3 : Ganesh, Ramana  Bike 4 : Harandh, Prasad )
My mail including trip plan is ...
Hi Frnz,

Planning a Trip to KGF !!! 

Trip name: “Cowboys trip in search of gold @ KGF”  (Horses are not allowed so plan Ur fully loaded two-wheeler)
Trip Date: Oct 9th 2008 (Hope it is a holiday for all corporate cow boys) 
Duration: Just one day
Plan: Oct 9th early hours we will start from Bangalore
            Hope to reach Bangalore by the same day evening.
How far it is? : Kolar, it is about 69 kms away from Bangalore on the Chennai-Bangalore                                          National Highway No 4. (2hrs byk ride)
Near by places: 
  • Antharganga : A hill - for rock climbing with steps, on top there is water coming out from Nandi mouth … (Indra shooting held here) 
  • Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) – (Donga Dongadi movie song – “Manmada rasa Manmada raasa “song shooted here) so come in balck dresses to have some nice photo shoot.
  • Koti Lingeshwara temple – ( Sri Manjunatha movie shoted here)( 
  • Eagle Temple.
  • Mulbagal - Village with some temples (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulbagal)
  • Guttahalli - Bangaru Tirupati Venkateshwara Temple is a historically famous well-known pilgrimage center in Karnataka. Bangaru Tirupati is also known as Chikka Tirupati.
  • Avani
Web-Links I referred : (1) (2)
Route: For reaching kolar we need to take KR Puram Hanging bridge route and continue on old madras road ,then on the way we crossed Basavanapura - Veerenahalli then we reached Hosakote (NH 4) , from there; it’s a straight narrow road to reach kolar.After reaching kolar we need to take the route via Malur taluk, Bangarpet route just follow the direction boards, later we will cross the Bethamangala, we will also cross the Koti Lingeshwara temple to reach Guttahalli. Guttahalli is 39 km from Kolar.
Weather forecast on Thursday: Thunderstorm. High: 86° F. / 30° C. Wind light. (Chance of precipitation 70 %.)
Plz call me to confirm the trip ….

 Note: Please Add more details (like route, things to carry, and places) if you can by consulting your colleagues.
Want to have nice one-day trip??  Don’t expect too much, just go in a picnic mood and have fun!
************************************************************************************* ,But Due to some routine reasons like - no holiday for some people and ill health for some others this plan was not able to execute. But all of a sudden on Friday we decide to execute this on Saturday and confirmed the trip …Saturday planned to start around at 6 AM fro Koramnagla(Bangalore) . Started around 7 AM with 4 bikes and 7 people together to Kolar.
Following map trace showing the places we covered...Route we followed is Red in color.

Don't know what wrong/Bad/Good with this 7 combination we stopped just before K R Puram itself; as one of the bikes gave some trouble. At that time generally no mechanics will be available but we gave a try to check our luck we tried troubleshooting in parallel but of no use. At last decide to get another bike by keeping it in one safe place. After all these problems we started around 8:45 AM and reached Hoskot. In hoskot itself we had very light break fast. (Though idly is deadly for me, I had it because it is my modus operandi while traveling). From mile to mile my ardent eyes are waiting to see Kolar. Indeed we reached Kolar from Hoskot in just 40 mins or less.On the way to Kolar we had small photo session at one stop with nice mountain surrounded by greenery and small ponds … From Kolar junction there are two routes to precede further, one is towards “Antarganga” which is just 5 KM from Kolar junction. Another thing is towards KGF with many places to cover. So we decided to ride our bikes towards “Bangarpeta Junction”. We missed to cover "Antharganga" and "KGF" in this trip …hope we will plan another trip for these two.
Soon after crossing Bangarpeta junction we quickly entered into Kommasandra village where we have kotilingeswara temple situated. Really the huge siva linga's awing majesty, so tall, so vast, so high and so big ... It was awesome. And the Nandi before this Linga is awe-inspiring ion this sight. Along with this big siva linga there were more than 86 lacs of small and medium size lingas placed all the way in village. And my joy has no limits when I saw these many lingas together in one place. I totally forgot my hunger and journey strains in the situation. There is a custom that those who loves and belive in shiva will place a linga in temple premises. One of my friends told me that temple authorities are helping people to do so by charging just 3,500 R/- which is very less. And peoples believe that shiva here is famous for giving boons for child less people(barren women )and un-married people. And there is a tree to which people are tying “Mangala Sutra” and “Uuyala” (swing) as they believe that by doing so shiva will shower his boons to get rid of their obstacles. Of course Shiva’s grace and blessings will be always be there for people who believe him.
After this place I mount up on my Pulsar to move towards "Bangaru Tirupathi".
And it is just 7 KM far from this place. And it is Lakshmi sametha sri venkateswara swami alayam. The above snap is captured showing a bird taking shelter behind Sri Maha Vishnu. "God Tussi Great Ho". The pond here in this temple is really good. I felt happy when I saw some kids enjoying splashes in that pond. And just before entrance the big eagle statue is too attractive.

Then we moved further towards "Avani", though the entire route between Bangaru Tirupathi and Avani is on paddy fields the route is so good and we were geared up to 70 KMPH. The grenary smell is so pleasant all the route; it is just like riding bike in new world. Bad luck is  - The Ramlayam was closed. But we were able to visit sarda devi temple just before Ramalayam. And the golden snap shown beside is captured on the door of the Ramlayam. That is showing date in the year 1917, still the doors are so strong. There we were greeted with sprinkled rain. We relaxed in the temple it self for some time discussing about Ramyana. The Rama statue isolated from main temple situated exactly opposite to it is some thing special to my eyes; when I sat before the statue, I went into littile trans - thinking about so many things. The below snap is taken when I sat before that Rama Statue.
After rain stopped, we quickly moved to visit some other place. But it is almost 3:30 PM at that time so thought of planning optimmaly. We enquired the villagers there to find out the shortest route to visit Kurudmali and from there to Bangalore High-way.

On the way to the next place we had some  food in a dhaba; as we don't even thought of taking lunch till that time.We got a best short-cut route to go to Kurudmali and we reached there around 4: 10 PM quickly we entered the temple. I was totally surprised by seeing the huge ganesh idol. After finishing archana and darshan we simple filled our minds with pleasant feeling when saw the Ganesh there finally to store it all through the life. I think this is the biggest rock idol I have ever seen in a anicinet temple. and looks like the temple construction is made in ages back. I observed steps inside the temple, may be required to decorate the idol as it is sucha tall one.While coming out from the tmeple I came to know that this temple is pretty famous with the visit of many politicians. Again we were greeted by the cold breeze and sprinkles. 

And we started our return journey around at 6 PM from temple towards Bangalore. We raced all the way and reached Bangalore around at 8:00 PM.
On the way back to bangalore from Kolar we found this pleasant RAMA statue, and some of us had small photo shoot there and continued our race. 

Actullay we felt bit bad - as we missed to cover "Anthar ganga and KGF". But we felt it latter like one good thing as we can have another road trip to these places soon.

By the way this is our entire Roadies gang photo ...

And this is my Friends narration about the same, Click here  to view.

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Java lessons learned - Naming Convention, Variables,Data Types, Arrays

Data Types – 2 types Variables must always declared with a name and a type.Naming conventions for JAVA unitsClass - First letter CAPS  for each new word   ex : SavingGoalFunction(method) - First Letter SMALL ex : updateSavings()Variable - First Letter SMALL ex :  Dog tommyHighPackages - all SMALL letters ex : Constructors -  First letter CAPS  for each new word (like class)  ex : SavingGoal 1.Primitive Variables        ...
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Andhra to America

"Unites States of Andhra - United States of America"

Don't know!!confused ...where is the relation for these two? But there is something which is tying potent.

Andhra Pradesh a state in India famously known as "Rice Bowl of India". Though the advent of Software into andhrites lives, agriculture is still a chief source of state income. It is the largest state in southern India. It is famous for one of the Indian dances called "Kuchipudi". It is having its own glory and history. Whereas coming to America- is the one of the best among the wealthy and developed nations of the world.
Though people like Nara Chandra Babu Naidu (ex-chief minister of AP) named Andhra as "Little America" in their open meetings; still Andhrites dreams are unlimited about America and its Dollars. The number of Andhrites going to the US is always holding an exponential graph. The numbers of Telugu associations are increasing day-by-day expanding their branches in all most all the states of America. Starting from Telugu foods; there will be a special store for each and everything which an andhtrite needs in America (Temples, shopping Malls, etc).

I don't know who said this "తెలుగు జాతీ మనది నిండు గ వెలుగు జాతి మనది..."The sweetness and its brightness are spread all over the world. The legend - NTR who cued us the pride of Telugu is still driving us. No doubt of it. Soon there may come a day which declares Telugu as one of the official languages of America ... And people are feeling this as their other homeland as many are taking their birth in the US itself and they had seen most of their life stages in the US itself.

With the change in immigration rules sometime in the early sixties, the brain drain to the US from India gradually increased and it is still continuing. Initially Scientists, Engineers, and doctors were part of this brain drain but that drastically turned into the drain of software engineers. Even the person who entered the US as a doctor also turned into a software guy due to the advent of Software in the early eighties of the US. So dramatically the influx increased in the 80's. Telugu people's expertise in professional skills in conjunction with English language skills gave them ease to settle there along with their kith and kin. I think there will be at least one family from each village of AP now settled in US. At present, I don't think one can keep track of the statistics of Telugu people working in software companies in the US.

When Indians in the US started saying that "once you come into the country you never leave" people here started dreaming about the big houses, expensive cars with a luxurious life. Of course, all of these can be easily possible with smart/simple work itself in the US but which we can't even think after decades of our toil also. So their love to go to America is becoming more and more day by day. The feeling to work in America is due to the differences in the currency (INR and USD). So people think that - working hard for some time there and then coming back to India with the earned dollars makes them as a rich man in Indian society. Even the number of people who love to stay in America, getting US citizenship is also high. It may be or may not be a lawful and loyal feeling. But this is how it is expanding its roots and it is what exactly happening.

These feelings are becoming mad and causing very unwanted situations in our lives and in our society which is not even making man rich but making them die at young ages. Due to US mania, Andhra families are giving importance to the men settled in the US. The bride's family members just think that bride-groom is working in America. But they really don't know whether he is already married or he is having any pre-marital relations over there they won’t really care for the work and his cultural habits of the guy. I am not here to criticize only Male/Female, but it’s about the changes in our culture, attire, and attitude everything which impacts our lives.

I still remember a situation in a movie - " A girl marries a guy to just come to the US and catch her old boyfriend who is already in the US and leaves that innocent NRI".
I can't say that it may not happen in real life ...anything can happen with the change in attitudes.
"The over love towards unwanted things surely cause loss to the nation"
The Peoples psychology in Andhra ( as these only places I have seen for a quite good time in my life deep into many lives starting from one's childhood to old age) became more and worse ... Starting from a middle-class family to High society people every body's desire is just America. I am not really the exception to this mania some time back. It’s not even Dollar dreams in mind but a strong mad feeling which just ruins us. I have got chances in multiple situations to understand the feelings and lives of people in America and their relatives or closed ones in Andhra. Since childhood, andhrites mindset starts tuning by their parents or so-called relatives or friends or whoever it is ... When we ask a typical school-going boy in Andhra about his education/career plan - He starts narrating like this -
"Once I finished my schooling I will go and join Rammaih institute to get a good IIT rank."
If we stop him and ask "If you were not able to get a seat in Rammaih college what will you do ?"
His answer continues like this - “I will join in nice Junior college for best EAMCET coaching" after that "I will join in a Regional Engg. College; if not, at least some private Engg. Colleges one among the 30o in our state to finish my Graduation and start preparing GRE/TOEFL to get the US VISA. After finishing MS in the US I will get a green card in the US and settle for my life there". This is how a typical Andhra schoolboy is planning his life. The final motto for him is to just settle in the US. One may praise the kid for his foresight. But sure this is all happened only with the mad culture beside him. This is one typical scene I observed.
Now in India there will be more than 100 SWE for each street in a typical metropolitan city. All these SWE's next goal is just to travel and settle in the USA or any other country. The people who want to settle in the US generally want to be as a Software engineer irrespective of the graduation or technical skills he has. Another case is about the Indian students travel to the US for higher-studies are even working as restroom cleaners and waiters in hotels which they can’t even think about in India. For survival, something is to be followed which we can even do in India. Then why should we go to the US??? Is it just for survival to hide from our loved ones? We can have better and wonderful Educational institutes if our society or our politicians has thought of it at any time.

I have seen people who went to the US for further studies fall in love with somebody and marrying some other with their parent's force. This is simply spoiling an innocent’s life. As that guy can’t even lead his life with the new bride and he can't even leave the one he loved. This is creating a new trend of extramarital relations. I have seen the sorrows of such innocent people and their parents in India. We may not see our neighbor’s personal life and we don't even have time to listen to his sorrows and we are least bothered for that. But the walls of a net-to-phone center know - what are the words that are exchanged between the persons in the US and the one in India. Those are not at all the happy words but all about the words of grievance in their heart.

Some times this situation become too worse and killed those innocents itself. This is another kind of psychic behavior booming out from this culture. Can't we really live in India with what we are having now? ...we can live more than what we feel ...People are simply fond of the US as if they think it as a heaven.

When it was my father's childhood, people used to come from his villages to towns to prove themselves to reach existing opportunities in towns for a better life. And from my childhood, I have seen people traveling extensively abroad just to have a better life ...But in both the situation there a hell of differences. And I am not able to think about the future if this trend continues...

But I have only one strong belief -"our culture is the best standard" all of we should follow for a must ...Can't we built a better nation staying here itself.? can't we go to renaissance ...I want our history to be repeated like the one we heard about the time in either krishna devaraya or Ashoka or whoever ...Of course, if we are able to reach that phase again it will not be a big-time to build a society like in Ramayana and Mahabarata. It's not my word of frustration this is what the real situational solution what we all should think of ... According to our Indian culture, there were just four stages of our small life which we can simply call as Balyam(0-5), Kaumaram(5-15), Yavvanam(15 - 40 or 50), Vruddapyam(50 - 100), So one can be matured enough to think about society happens only in his Kaumaram and he can act accordingly till some extent of his Vruddapyam after that no one can do anything. So if we are simply wasting all our days here and there when we can full-fill our essence of life...

How many of us know entire India and its culture and its History. We don't know even at least 35- 50 % of it. Isn't it? We, being Indians not worried about any such things but simply want to follow blindly behind the so-called foreign culture like a mob of sheep. But we should know and think about it - for its next-generation effects. If we behave simply like those penguins in polar; sure there will be valley before us, in which we all are going to jump to die. So let's start thinking of India and its renowned culture.

"Explore India"
Note: The US is one common word I used throughout this post, but we can replace that with any other country in this present situation. 

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Is your blog listed under unauthorized Web pages with out your permission ?

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Number of files in a directory

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