Valentines Day … 2009

I don’t know who invented this concept of celebrating a day in view of particular occasion. Among all the days apart from national important days really Valentines Day is the best and special for most of us. Irrespective of the people in love and those are not in love everybody are eager looking for this day Feb 14.

Love it is almost married... so the sharing hearts really feel the good ness of it especially on this day. The way expressing their love especially on this special day may differ from one to other. It may be single rose, bouquet, garland or it may be Kiss or a hug. The one who is in ones heart should know better reasons and affection about them. So not even to propose but also to express their love Valentines Day is the best day for nay body.

Love it is different – it is unique, it may be between mother and child, God and devotee and between a Lady and a Gent. Where ever it is Love is love.
Love loves love as love.
If love can be replaced, if it has jealous, if it is insecure, if it has no kisses and hugs then it won’t be Love at all.

We let our heart to go where it loves; it may go near your heart. But we know who will stop and who would catch and keep it in their hands. Love it is aches for body, tears in eye but still Love is Love we can’t live with out it. Though we know that it is in some other place but we know it is in safe place. It is damaged to get it healed it came to you. So keep it safe and make it heal.
My heart is in despair …so please take care of it.

I want to dedicate this post to just my heart and soul as it is in some others heart …Happy Valentines Day.

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