Travel places in Bangalore Karantaka-Restaurants,Discos,Pubs,Movies,Cofee bars,Pools,Clubs,Bowling

Travel places in Bangalore, Karantaka-Restaurants, Discos, Pubs, Movies, Coffee bars, Pools, Clubs, Bowling etc.

Since long time; I want to share you all the best information excel file(All about Bangalore) which I have.
This helped me many a times in planning trips and visiting nice places in
and around Bangalore.
This is like a Bangalore encyclopedia for me. All the information required by Bangalore youth can
be find in this single Excel file which includes -

Travel places in and around Bangalore, Restaurants, Clubs, Discos, Pubs, Movies, Coffee bars, Pools, Bowling gallery,
Fast foods, Pizza joints, Beauty parlors, Educational
institutions etc. What not every thing what we require ... Hope this helps.

BTW If you come across better resources related to this information please try to add in comments. Thanks in advance.

9 comments to "Travel places in Bangalore Karantaka-Restaurants,Discos,Pubs,Movies,Cofee bars,Pools,Clubs,Bowling"

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
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Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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