Airtel GPRS for ASUS,HTC, Pocket PC-Proxy settings

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I am totally frustrated with answers from Airtel customer care for my question-" How to use Internet on my ASUS P320 Pocket pc using Airtel Live ?"

But at last I got a solution to do so; now It is hassle free to configure and browse through internet on Pocket PC phones like ASUS or HTC using Airtel GPRS (Airtel Live) especially in India.

Here are the steps to configure settings to use internet in PDA browsers.

I tried it on Windows Mobile 6.1, and it worked like charm for me.
  • First Activate Airtel Live by sending the required SMS to 121
  • Assuming your airtel Live is now active for account.
  • Tap Start -> Settings.
  • Select Connections Tab and tap Connections.
  • Select Advanced Tab, tap Select Networks button to bring up Network Management.
  • Under "Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using:" drop down, tap the New button.
  • In the General Tab, type the name of the settings as Airtel Live
  • Select Modem tab, tap New...
  • Type the name of connection as Airtel Live, select the modem as Cellular Line (GPRS) and tap Next.
  • Type Access Point Name as and tap next.
  • Leave username, password and domain blank and tap finish.
  • Select Proxy Settings tab. Tap "This network connects to the Internet". This should enable the next check box option.
  • Tap "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet".
  • Type the proxy server as: and then tap Advanced...
  • Tap HTTP, leave the server as and change the port to 8080
  • Similarly tap WAP, Secure WAP and Socks, type the server as but leave the port to defaults. These are optional settings.
  • Tap OK to close the Advanced proxy setup screen.
  • Tap OK to close the New connection screen.
  • The network management screen should now list the new connection you have created in the drop-down. Tap OK to close this screen
  • Tap OK to close the connection screen.

Here you go !! open your Internet explorer browser from programs and start browsing your favourite sites.
Vodafone(Hutch) users to use Vodafone Live on PDA phones can refer this link.
Reference :[1]
ASUS P320 Review 

18 comments to "Airtel GPRS for ASUS,HTC, Pocket PC-Proxy settings"

  • thank you for linking to me......really appreciate it.

  • Thank you very much SUSAN. I just saw 8080proxy site ..It has vast information.

  • gr8.for more tricks contact me..

  • gr8 thnx

  • Hi,

    I recently bought ASUS P320.
    I followed the steps you mentioned to activate airtel live.
    I have sent the activation sms - FUN to 54321
    I got a reply saying i will get one more sms with activation link.
    Its been 24hrs but i have not got any activation sms from Airtel.
    You have any idea what i am missing?

    Thank you

  • shashi i think u sent some wrong message .. u talk to 121 ..once to activate GPRS

  • Dear Mr. Krishna,
    I tried your above setting for Asus p320 mobile with airtel connection, but even after activating airtel live it is not working. pl suggest.

  • Anonymous!!
    Once u followed the steps clearly and correctly try restarting ur phone and soft reset.Then it should open google page in IE. dont try loading bog pages as the connection speed is damn slow u may not know it is working or not. and dont try connecting messengers and all as it never connected in my phone. I strongly suggest its waste to use on airtel live on asus. Try Mobile office scheme which dont need any of these settings and its comparatively faster and better than Airtel live.

  • Dear Krishna,

    Airtel live activation is so easy with the set of instruction mentioned here...nobody in customer care could help me out!!!Gr8 job..thnx aton.

  • Hey Krishna,

    I have a HTC P3400i and I usd ur instructions and could browse easily. Thank u very much for the nice work.

  • oh dear u have just open the doors of internet to me for my htc p3400i phone
    it is working nicely
    thanks a million

  • Hi Krishna,
    I have tried all your steps on my new ASUS P320. It worked. Your blog has saved lots of trouble of looking up for these setting up instructions. Thanks a lot. May be you can add a last step of switching off and on the Phone.


  • thanks a lot KRISHNA.... it'd be awesome if you can provide the steps to use airtel live gprs for free.....

    thanks again!!

  • thanx a lot krishna...........can u just tell me how to activate mobile office service the same way.....or is it already activated n no need to activate it again!!! thanx a lot again

  • Dear krishna,

    I activated the GPRS from airtel and followed your steps. The phone is connected to airtel live but it doesn't open the webpage. The following error appears:

    "The page can not be displayed or downloaded because the connection was lost. check the connection and try again later"

    Although the GPRS icon "E" is there and when it is tapped, it shows connected. I tried it sevaral times, at multiple locations from home from office. but the same error again and again. It's quite frustating. custome care is useless. I swtched on and switched off the phone so many times. removed and re-inserted the sim. but to no avail. can u tell me what is the problem and how can it be solved. My phone is still in warrantee. i have almost made the mind to return it....

  • now one more question. I have got a contact info of my company collegues in excel sheet. it possible to upload that info to P320 by using this excel sheet. Is there any template for that. Pls help. It will save my great deal of hardwork and time.

    Thanks and regards

  • Thank You very very much, since from one year I have struggled to get the airtel live setting for my windows htc mobile, finally I got the settings from your website, I am very happy, thanx a lot, please give the settings if you have for airtel mobileoffice settings for free net.

    my e-mail:

    Bangalore- karnataka

  • Hey friend, thanks a lot for your article. It really helped me.
    I found one more link on Airtel GPRS over here:
    Airtel GPRS Settings
    I guess this will be helpful for all over here.

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