No protocol specified Can't open display: cygwin

Displaying Remote Clients

Displaying remote X clients with Cygwin/X is nearly identical to displaying remote X clients with any other X Server. You may use the secure ssh method, or the unsecure telnet method (not recommended).
Secure ssh

On your Windows machine:

1.Make sure you have the openssh package installed.
2.Launch Cygwin/X
3.Run the following in an X terminal:

Username@CygwinHost ~
$ ssh -Y -l username remote_hostname_or_ip_address

4.Enter your password when prompted by ssh.
5.Your ssh session should now show you a shell prompt for your remote machine.
6.You can now launch remote X clients in your ssh session, for example, xterm& will launch an xterm running on your remote host that will display on your Cygwin/X screen.
7.Launch other remote clients in the same manner. I recommend starting the remote clients in the background, by appending & to the command name, so that you don't have to open several ssh sessions.

Unsecure Telnet

On your Windows machine:

1.Make sure you have the inetutils package installed.
2.Launch Cygwin/X
3.In an X terminal type /usr/bin/xhost remote_hostname_or_ip_address
4.In an X terminal type /usr/bin/telnet remote_hostname_or_ip_address. Use the explicit path to ensure that Cygwin's telnet is run instead of Microsoft's telnet; Microsoft's telnet will crash on startup when run from Cygwin/X.
5.Login to your remote machine via your telnet session
6.In your telnet session type, DISPLAY=windows_hostname_or_ip_address:0.0
7.In your telnet session type, export DISPLAY
8.You can now launch remote X clients in your telnet session, for example, xterm& will launch an xterm running on your remote host that will display on your Cygwin/X screen.
9.Launch other remote clients in the same manner; I recommend starting the remote clients in the background, by appending & to the command name, so that you don't have to open several telnet sessions.

Problems and Solutions : 

When there is a problem in DISPLAYING GUIs at client side
Try to check the simple things mentioned below
1. Always the server should allow the X11 forwarding.
   To check this confirm the below (Below example is from AIX 5.3 )

   bash-3.00# cat /usr/local/etc/sshd_config | grep X11
   X11Forwarding yes
   X11DisplayOffset 10
   X11UseLocalhost yes
For linux based systems
nc184120:~ # cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep X11
X11Forwarding yes
#X11DisplayOffset 10
#X11UseLocalhost yes
In case the above settings were freshly created please do restart the sshd service like below
    bash-3.00# stopsrc -s sshd;startsrc -s sshd
    0513-044 The sshd Subsystem was requested to stop.
    0513-059 The sshd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 278682.    
    bash-3.00# lssrc -s sshd
    Subsystem         Group            PID          Status
    sshd             tcpip            278682       active
2. Check your client like putty like tool enabled X11 forwarding and is set to proper tunnel for the running xmanager tool

3. If your xmanager tool is running on your client machine with port 0.0 your putty x11 forwarding should be set to localhost:0.0

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
For lazy logs, u can at least use Name/URL option which doesn’t even require any sign-in, The good thing is that it can accept your lovely nick name also and the URL is not mandatory too.
Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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