Ping mutiple ips .bat file

Ping mutiple ips .bat file - Ping Mutiple Hosts

Here is a small code snippet used for knowing the status of multiple machines/hosts/Ips status.

Say you have n number of Hosts and you want to know how many of them are reachable/pingable from your machine, it will be difficult to see the status of each machine one by one.
So we can do this using simple BAT file in windows.

We will be doing this using 2 files one is pinghosts.bat and second one is myhosts.txt

myhosts.txt : it contains the list of IPs or hostnames to be verified

Sample myhosts.txt looks like the below

pinghosts.bat >>>> It is a simple bat file to ping each and every machine specified in myhosts.txt and log the status in a log file called ping.log
sample pinghosts.bat looks like the below

#This batch file is to ping multiple hosts
#and gets the status of the machines
#(List of IPs to be checked should be specified in a file)
ping -a -n 1 %1 |findstr "Reply from" >> ping.log
if errorlevel==1 goto notgood
if errorlevel==0 goto good
echo %1 is not pingable >> ping.log
goto end
echo %1 is good >> ping.log
goto end
echo ---------------------- >> ping.log
#end of batch

Once the pinghosts.bat and myhosts.txt are ready go to command prompt in windows and change directory to the location where pinghosts and myhosts are located.
then run the following command

for /f %z in (myhosts.txt) do pinghosts.bat %%z

Note : the ping.log will be created in the current directory where the pinghosts.bat exists.

6 comments to "Ping mutiple ips .bat file"

  • Suppose if you want to ping all ips in a particular domain you can use the below
    Instead of manually pinging all IP addresses on your LAN you can use this nice command:

    Open Command Prompt and type:

    FOR /L %i IN (1,1,254) DO ping -n 1 192.168.0.%i | FIND /i "Reply">>c:\ipaddresses.txt

    The "-n 1" is for only 1 ping packet to be sent to each computer.

    Change 192.168.0 to match you own Network ID.

    This will ping all IP addresses on the network segment and create a text file called IPADDRESSES.TXT in C:\, where it will list only the IP addresses that gave a reply.

    You can also add a -a to the PING command to resolve all the responding IP addresses to HOST names, but doing so will cause the script to take a considerable time to finish:

    FOR /L %i IN (1,1,254) DO ping -a -n 1 192.168.0.%i | FIND /i "Reply">>c:\ipaddresses.txt

    don't forget to type the command in 1 line.

  • For unix - Shell script is much helpful so try below code in a shell script
    #script to ping multiple hosts

    #for loop
    for i in cat `cat ~/ping.txt`
    fping $i | grep unreachable

  • c:\windows\system32\etc\hosts


    Below script just satfisfies the first IF condition regardless of the situation.. is there any changes to be made ??

    Ping mutiple ips .bat file - Ping Mutiple Hosts

    Here is a small code snippet used for knowing the status of multiple machines/hosts/Ips status.

    Say you have n number of Hosts and you want to know how many of them are reachable/pingable from your machine, it will be difficult to see the status of each machine one by one.
    So we can do this using simple BAT file in windows.

    We will be doing this using 2 files one is pinghosts.bat and second one is myhosts.txt

    myhosts.txt : it contains the list of IPs or hostnames to be verified

    Sample myhosts.txt looks like the below

    pinghosts.bat >>>> It is a simple bat file to ping each and every machine specified in myhosts.txt and log the status in a log file called ping.log
    sample pinghosts.bat looks like the below

    #This batch file is to ping multiple hosts
    #and gets the status of the machines
    #(List of IPs to be checked should be specified in a file)
    ping -a -n 1 %1 |findstr "Reply from" >> ping.log
    echo %ERRORLEVEL%
    if errorlevel==1 goto notgood
    if errorlevel==0 goto good
    echo %1 is not pingable >> ping.log
    goto end
    echo %1 is good >> ping.log
    goto end
    echo ---------------------- >> ping.log
    #end of batch

    Once the pinghosts.bat and myhosts.txt are ready go to command prompt in windows and change directory to the location where pinghosts and myhosts are located.
    then run the following command

    for /f %z in (myhosts.txt) do pinghosts.bat %%z

    Note : the ping.log will be created in the current directory where the pinghosts.bat exists

  • In the code for /f %z in (myhosts.txt) do pinghosts.bat %%z

    Remove one of the % before the second z for this to work

  • Use double percents when executing the script from a batch file and single when executing from a command line.

    C:\for /f %z in (hosts.txt) do pinghost.bat %z

    From within a file:
    for /f %%z in (hosts.txt) do pinghosts.bat %%z

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
For lazy logs, u can at least use Name/URL option which doesn’t even require any sign-in, The good thing is that it can accept your lovely nick name also and the URL is not mandatory too.
Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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