Oracle RAC Installation FAQs Unix/Linux

Oracle RAC

Oracle RAC stands for Oracle Real Application clusters.
Why do we need RAC ? With Oracle RAC we can enable Single Database to run across cluster of servers. If one fails the other will be able to manage the user requests.It allows multiple nodes in a clustered system to mount and open a single database that resides on shared disk storage. Even if the service fails on one system(node) the database services will be available from other remaining nodes. In a non RAC Database the services will be available only on one system, so if the system fails the DB services will be down (single point of failures).
What is cluster ?
A cluster consists of two or more computers working together to provide
a higher level of availability, reliability, and scalability than can
be obtained by using a single computer.
Hardware requirements for Oracle 11gR2 RAC?
  * A dedicated network interconnect - might be as simple as a fast network connection between nodes; and
  * A shared disk subsystem.
two CPUs, 1GB RAM, two Gigabit Ethernet NICs, a dual channel SCSI host bus adapter (HBA), and eight SCSI disks connected via copper to each host (four disks per channel). The disks were configured as Just a Bunch Of Disks (JBOD)—that is, with no hardware RAID controller.
Ex :
1 cpu
2 GB memory
18 GB local disk with OS 
10 GB local disk for Oracle binaries
3 x 10 GB shared disks for RAC
Software Requiremnts for Oracle 10 g RAC ?
   1. An operating system
   2. Oracle Clusterware
   3. Oracle RAC software
   4. An Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance (optional).
What are the supported operating systems and platforms for Oracle RAC ?
    *  Windows Clusters
    * Linux Clusters
    * Unix Clusters like SUN PDB (Parallel DB).
    * IBM z/OS in SYSPLEX
    * HP Serviceguard extension for RAC
Many other platforms and operating systems are supported refer documentation of product.
References :

3 comments to "Oracle RAC Installation FAQs Unix/Linux"

  • Dear Krishna,
    I'm new to this subject and I didn't read references.
    At this point, I'm little bit confused because of
    two different figures at top and bottom of the article.
    Top one showes a single shared disk while bottom one shows
    four different shared disks. Would explain little bit more about

    James from Korea

  • @ James : thanks for reading this article. we can have more than one shared drive in this kinda setup..

  • This is an excellent article.
    Still, if you want something more hands-on, try these:

    You can find more demos (including dataguard, goldengate, streams) there at

    Vladimir Grigorian

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~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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