Websphere 6.1 manual uninstallation or cleaning default dir installations

Websphere installation is corrupted?
Not able to perform proper uninstallation ? your WEBSPHERE directory got deleted ?
Not able to install Websphere into default locations ? want to do installation on clean machine ?

You can reinstall without a clean machine. Such an installation creates a coexistence scenario that can prevent you from installing into the original directory.

  • Log on as the same user ID who installed the product.
  • Kill all the Websphere related processes especially stop java processes running due to Webshere.
  • Run the uninstaller which deletes WAS stuff    /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/uninstall/uninstall
      If you are not able to run the above step also not to worry,continue the next steps
  • Next step is to remove WAS relates packages,
  • rpm -qa | grep WS
  • Using the above command identify the packages to be removed
      Version 6.1 package names have a prefix of WSB or WSP and a suffix of 61. WSC package names do not have a suffix of 61
  • From the above list remove unwanted packages using below command.
  • rpm -e
  • Now remove directory structure using rm -rf /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
  • Edit the "vpd.properties" file to remove WAS related entires. You can find this file under the home directory of the user who installed the WAS
  • Use the installRegistryUtils command to examine the installation locations for all installed WebSphere Application Server products and remove the desired products from the install registry.
  • You can find installRegistryUtils in two locations
  • one is in the WAS installer/build CD or images location   -    .... WAS/installRegistryUtils/bin/installRegistryUtils.sh
  • If your installation still available it will be in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/installRegistryUtils.sh
  • To clean up all accessible products and packages.
  • ./installRegistryUtils.sh -cleanAll [-userHome user_home]
  • ./installRegistryUtils.sh -listProducts [-userHome user_home]
  • ./installRegistryUtils.sh -listPackages [-userHome user_home]

Now you are all set to install the WAS in the default locations as clean install.

Note : The above steps are in-view of Linux or other Unix flavors. Slight understanding of folder structure in windows help you to do the same in windows

Reference : [1][2][ AIX: 3]

1 comments to "Websphere 6.1 manual uninstallation or cleaning default dir installations"

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
For lazy logs, u can at least use Name/URL option which doesn’t even require any sign-in, The good thing is that it can accept your lovely nick name also and the URL is not mandatory too.
Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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