Automatically start Websphere after system reboot unix windows

This topic aims to start the Websphere process automatically after rebooting the system or even if the process is crashed for some reason it will restart the websphere process automatically.
  • There are several server processes that the operating system can monitor and automatically restart when the server processes stop abnormally.
  • To set up this function on a Linux® or supported UNIX® operating system, you must have root authority to edit the inittab file.
  • You can restart the server1 process, with the below example.
  • On a Linux or supported UNIX operating system, you must manually create a shell script that automatically starts any of the processes previously mentioned. Each UNIX shell script controls a single process, such as a stand-alone product instance. Multiple stand-alone Application Server processes require multiple UNIX scripts, which you can define.
  • For example you want to start the Websphere general server which is server1 to make the Websphere service up.
  • We perform this using the following step generally which is ..WebSphere/AppServer/bin#./ server1
  • But to start this automatically you have to prepare a general script which will be triggered while system starts.
  • You can generate the script automatically by running the following command
  • ..WebSphere/AppServer/bin#./ server1 -script -background
  • Now check in the ..WebSphere/AppServer/bin# directory for the newly created file with name
  • Now the next step is to Locate the rc.was example shell script, which is in the app_server_root /bin directory.
  • Now by following the sample script rc.was create your own rc.s1 like shell scripts under ..WebSphere/AppServer/bin ..itself.
  • Create a new shell script for each process that the operating system is to monitor and restart. like rc.s1,rc.s2  etc s1: server1, s2:server2 ..
  • Edit the inittab file of the operating system, to add an entry for each shell script you have created.
  • Comments in the header of the rc.was file include a sample inittab entry line for adding this script to the inittab table.
  • Each inittab entry causes the operating system to call the specified shell script whenever the system initializes.
  • As each shell script runs, it monitors and starts the server process you specified.
  • For example, if you create the following inittab entry for a process, the rc.was shell script is run whenever the system initializes, and if the process goes down while the system is initializing into a machine that is operating at a runlevel of 2, 3, or 5:
  • was:235:respawn:/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/rc.was >/dev/console 2>&1
  • Ok lets create entry for our server1 in the /etc/inittab  at the end of file like below
  • s1:2345:once:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/rc.s1 >/dev/console 2>&1
  • As we have already created rc.s1 and under /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin when the server1 process goes down or when system rebooted the the Websephere server1 process will be made up automatically.
Hope this helps...
References : [1][2]

5 comments to "Automatically start Websphere after system reboot unix windows"

  • Good Help. WebSphere infocenter did not had this information to the point. Thanks.

  • Very good info. Thanks. Comment emi ledu brother. Kummi padesav article. Nice post

  • That was great. Thank you!

  • Hi Krishna,
    This does not work on HP-Ux any ide.

  • Hi ,
    I have a issue with server crash and tried this script to auto start my server when crashes but didnot worked. Do you know why ? i tried testing by killing my server 1 process but it didnot restarted. You help will be highly appreciated

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