How to root android phones ?

The below is the procedure I tried to root my Motorola Milestone Android 2.1. Hope this will help the rest of the phones like HTC, Samsung etc.
I felt this is the simple and easy way to root your Android phone. Before going to implement this rooting procedure let's understand the need for it.
If you are not a gadget geek or you don't want to play with your phone, please stop reading this article here only and browse your other favorite site.
Though we all know that android is a Unix mobile OS built on Linux kernel, new users mind will flash a question that "with which user I am logged in to this OS?" . If you got this question you can directly follow the procedure to gain root privileges. Otherwise read through need for rooting.
Need for rooting :  
  1. By default Android login will be a non root user.
  2. So if you gain root privileges you can have full control over the hardware for which you spent lot of money.
  3. In other words rooting your phone will unveil the functionalities hidden by vendor which can be supported by costly hardware.
  4. Rooting Android OS helps you in tweaking the android OS functionalities.
  5. To install lattest Apps supported in next Version android you need to root your old Android version OS.
  6. Improving your keyboard interaction with possible tools.
  7. Bluetooth and Wifi tethering made available with rooting
  8. Install your new apps directly on to SD card instead of overloading the phone memory.

Like above there will lot more advantages if you take control of your phone which will be only possible by rooting your Android.

Now we are ready to root your phone and let's follow the below process.

Required :

  1. Android phone.
  2. USB connector
  3. superoneclick installer (Win 32 app)

 Where to download superoneclick ?

  1. Link1
  2. Link2
 Procedure :
  1. Install superoneclick application on your windows(32 bit) laptop.
  2. Enable USB debugging on your phone. To do this go to Settings->Applications->Development and enabling “USB Debugging“.
  3. Now connect your android phone using USB cable to laptop. (You should see notification on phone "USB debugging connected").
  4. Now after unziping the downloaded run the superoneclick.exe by clicking it.
  5. In the launched GUI you will see large buttons with "Root", "Allow non market Apps" etc.
  6. Click on will do it's job by running several steps and at last it will run "SU test". If it is success.  
  7. You finished rooting your phone.
  8. Disconnect your phone, disable "USB debugging" and reboot your phone.
  9. So from next time onwards if you install any app which requests root access will be notified through a message saying that app was granted super access.
P.S  : If you root your phone your warranty terms will expire. 
Related : [1] [2] [3]

1 comments to "How to root android phones ?"

  • Good info.. I would suggest u to post more advantages of rooting a phone with some examples.

    Ganesh Bellary

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Whoever writes Inappropriate/Vulgar comments to context, generally want to be anonymous …So I hope U r not the one like that?
For lazy logs, u can at least use Name/URL option which doesn’t even require any sign-in, The good thing is that it can accept your lovely nick name also and the URL is not mandatory too.
Thanks for your patience
~Krishna(I love "Transparency")

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