GIT Eclipse usage basic

GIT- Basics & Eclipse Usage
This post aim at very basic usage of using GIT based tools and eclipse configurations for the same. 

  • create a new repository : create a new directory, open it and perform a
    • git init
to create a new git repository.

  • checkout a repository : Create a working copy of a local repository by running the command 
    • git clone /path/to/repository 
when using a remote server, your command will be
git clone username@host:/path/to/repository

  • Goto project dir 
1. git init
2. git status
3.git add .
4. git status
5. git commit -m "first commit"
6. Create an empty repo in GITHUB
7.copy clone url
8.git remote add origin << URL >>
9.git push -u origin master
10. Check your files are there on GIT remote

To add more / update files

  • git add . 
  • git status 
  • git commit -m "second commit"
  • git push -u origin master

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